=== Configure the miner ===
Your {{ Configure miner must be connected to one of the F2Pool servers listed below and you must use a mining account registered on F2Pool for your hashrate and revenue to be recorded and monitored| coin = BTC| url = stratum+tcp://btc-eu.f2pool.com:3333}} Server list:
* 🇪🇺 EU — <code>stratum+tcp://btc-eu.f2pool.com:3333</code>
Ports 1314, 3333 and 25 can be used as alternative ports for each server.
Enter the following information on your mining device:
* URL: <code>stratum+tcp://btc-eu.f2pool.com:3333</code>
* Username: ''username''.''workerName''
* Password: ''anything''
Note: ''workerName is optional, however we recommend connecting each mining device with a separate workerName for efficient monitoring''.
=== Add a payout address ===